PURPOSE: These instructions guide you through the process of uninstalling the old GUI software, and then reinstalling the new software and drivers. There are (4) steps that need to be completed to uninstall the old software and re-install the new software.
(NOTE: GeniCam software update is not required when you are updating the ISG software.)
STEP 1. Download the current ISG GUI Software and Camera Driver versions
(NOTE: For a 32-bit installation you will download the “Usb3GUI_32bit_Install.zip” file.)
ISG LightWise Allegro USB3 GUI Software (sub folder contains driver install application)
< http://isgcameras.com/wp-content/support/allegro_usb_sw/ISG_USB3_UI_64-bit_Install.zip >
STEP 2. Uninstall the ISG LightWise Allegro USB3 GUI Software
(NOTE: Uninstalling the GUI does not delete the files previously saved in the Usb3GUI_Install folder. For example, all the images you saved will still be available, default location C:\ISG\Usb3GUI_Install.)
Go to <Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features> and right click on the program USB3GUI_Install.
Select Uninstall.
When the User Account Control dialog box is displayed, click "YES".
The uninstall is now complete.
STEP 3. Install the ISG LightWise Allegro USB3 GUI Software
After the software has been downloaded, extract the files from the zip folder.

Select next
Select next
STEP 4. Complete the Lightwise_Allegro_U3V_Driver Installation
(NOTE: Default location < C:\ISG\Usb3GUI_Install\Lightwise_Allegro_U3V_Driver >)

After the software installation is complete, the camera can be plugged in. The device manager should now show the camera’s association to the WinUSB driver; however this may take a few minutes when the camera is connected for the first time.