The camera can be run in either Bitmode_11 (88KHz line rate ) or Bitmode_13 (22KHz line rate).  It can be externally triggered to set either the frame rate (frames per second) or the line rate (lines per second).

BITMODE_11 : When this mode is selected, the sensor is running at its maxim line rate of 88KHz with the A/D depth at 11 bits.

BITMODE_13: When this mode is selected, the sensor A/D is running at its maximum bit depth of 13 bits and a line rate of 22KHz.

If the camera is set to...

Acquisition Mode = Single Frame

Line Rate Trigger = OFF  (Frame Rate Trigger enabled by default)

Trigger Source - Line0

Trigger Mode = ON

In single frame acquisition lines are output from the sensor at the maximum rate for the given sensor mode. The number of lines programmed for height (Under Image Format Control) is aggregated together as a frame but only after a trigger is detected. When the trigger is detected, the next line output from the sensor is the first line in a given frame and followed by the programmed number of lines for the frame.

If the camera is set to...

Acquisition Mode = Continuous

Line Rate Trigger = ON

Trigger Source - Line0

Trigger Mode = ON

When LineRateTrigger is enabled, the start of each line is triggered from the external trigger input. The number of lines programmed for height (Under Image Format Control) are aggregated together as a frame.

The pixel integration time is still determined by the Exposure Time setting under Acquisition Control. If using Line Rate Trigger, the trigger rate cannot exceed the normal line rate of sensor for a given mode (i.e. the trigger rate cannot be > 88KHz in BITMODE_11). If the line rate is exceeded, triggers are lost.

Note: It is possible to use Line rate triggers in combination with a frame rate trigger as long as the Trigger Source for frame rate triggering is set to SOFTWARE. This is because only one physical trigger input is available on the camera.